





Bro he can’t be having problems everywhere he go at some point look in the mirror


They dont involve KD in the offense we talking about the greatest scorer over the past 15 years he is so easy to involve yet Vogel and the coaching staff fail to institute anything


There is no way this is on vogel. Just terrible roster construction


it hasn’t even been an hour and the excuses are piling up


Not excuse you clearly haven’t watched a suns game this year


He’s most likely the one who gave them to ok to get Beal ain’t no way y’all making excuses for a super team when they did all that bragging about how teams are gonna guard them

[7]”KD 又来找借口了。“

Here comes KD again with his excuses






Its no like this is news

The whole Suns season was like this, not Just playoffs

People been calling for the offense run trough KD the whole fucking season

Hes had games where 5 other guys shot more than hin

Tonight he had 7 shots the Second half on 70%. Tell me If that make sense


Quite literally came out and said there is no excuses. He is just stating his unhappiness with his role at times.


No shit I been saying this since day 1. They just let Kevin Durant have a career low in touches and FGA in a play off series ever only 16.5 shots a game while shootint 65% TS…. Make it make sense


Booker isnt a winning basketball player. They doing what they did to kai in dallas, just have the HOF former champ in the corner


This not on book have you watched Beal play this season and contract



He's definitely going to the Thunder for Giddey Wiggins and 3 FRP

other places would be Warriors Lakers Clippers Knicks Pelicans


We are not giving up Wiggins for kd lmao

[--]”如果吉迪继续他三月份以来的表现,三分命中率超过 40%,那么普雷斯蒂甚至不会交易他,哈哈,最坏的情况是他们得到一个超级巨星,然后把吉迪调到第六人。“

If Giddey continues his play since March shooting over 40% from 3 then Presti ain't even gonna trade him lmao, at worst they get a superstar and move Giddey to 6th man


could’ve won another title with Steph should’ve stayed


He let his ego get the best of him .. he thought he was the captain of that ship


Biggest crybaby ever is he gonna ask out for the 5th time?


Biggest crybaby until you’re begging for him on your team

[--]”不,他最多还剩3年,而且不适合竞争总冠军的球队的薪资空间或打法。他想要球权,就好像他可以独自作为球队第一选择带领球队夺冠一样,但他做不到🤷‍️ 。“

Nah mf got bout 3 years left max and doesn’t fit contending teams cap space or play style. Man want the damn ball like he could carry a team to the ship as #1 option by himself but can’t 🤷‍️.


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