

而在今日,ESPN知名评论员斯蒂芬-A-史密斯在主持节目《First Take》时称赞了恩比德的表现,他表示一个完全健康的恩比德完全有资格竞争NBA历史最佳中锋。



[1]“这兄弟甚至不是当今联盟最好的大个子球员 。”

Bro isn’t even the best big man in the league today?



If he and Jokic swapped injury luck, it wouldn't even be a debate.

Embiid puts up 35 and 10 without a bonafide co-star. Jokic is in a great system with a championship-level supporting cast.


“is in a great system” buddy he is the system


Bro this is GENUINELY the worst take I have ever heard




He plays like a guard, but he’s 7 ft. He’s got one of the greatest mid range shots we’ve ever seen. He is a criminally underrated defender. His physicality and IQ to our defenders into a position where they have no choice other than to foul is unmatched


How far has he gotten in the playoffs though? I think he’d rather score 30 and reach a conference final lol


Free throw merchant as the GOAT big man


Never understood the FT merchant thing. How is it Embids fault no one can cover him and they have to resort to fouling him? Please explain


Because there are literally players who get fouled on purpose who are unstoppable (Giannis) and players who are literally unguardable one on one (Jokic) and STILL Embiid gets the most free throws. He literally shoots 90% at the line. Nobody wants to foul Embiid


Big players are rarely ever fully healthy there’s always something.. some play better through it than others


Jokić playstyle is very sustainable (avoids jumping) Embiid‘s playstyle is very unsustainable/injury prone (jumps a lot)


Crazy reach, u could argue being the greatest big man scorer but not greatest big of all time. Only for Jokic you could make a case


Jokic? Dude can’t defend half of them great but Embiid could. Embiid would also 1v1 anybody but Jokic can’t he passes away most of the time. Maybe better offensive player for Jokic but better overall? It’s Embiid.


Basketball is a collective sport 🤷🤷 that's why no one considers Wilt the goat, good stats but when it came to winning he didn't do it like others


Healthy embiid wipes the Knicks in 5

[-]”有兰德尔的话,完全健康的尼克斯现在将以3-0领先76人,并有机会在周日横扫🤷 ,你们好像都忘了提到尼克斯缺少了他们3次入选最佳阵容的球队二当家兰德尔。“

Healthy Knicks with Randle would be up 3-0 right now with a chance to sweep on sunday 🤷, Its like y'all conveniently forget to mention the Knicks are missing their 2nd best player in 3 time all nba in Julius Randle smh


nah, randle is ass in the playoffs.. they’re prob better without him lowkey




Joel Embiid is definitely the most talented big man of all time.

In order to be the greatest, Embiid has to win multiple championships.

We have not seen a big man play offense AND defense the way Joel Embiid can.

[-]”实际上,大梦可以同时做到这两点,而且他有 2 个总冠军……别再说了

Literally Hakeem can do both and he has 2 chips…. Stop it


He’s the best outside face up shooting C of all time





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